Fiona Ma
California State Treasurer*
Tony Vazquez
State Board of Equalization Member*
Chris Holden
State Assemblymember and former Pasadena Mayor*
Laura Friedman
State Assemblywoman*
Terry Tornek
Former Pasadena Mayor*
Bill Thomson
Former Pasadena Mayor*
Bill Paparian
Former Pasadena Mayor*
Jim Osterling
PCC Board Trustee, Area 2*
Steve Gibson
PCC Board Trustee, Area 3*
Tina Fredericks
PUSD School Board, District 6*
Dr. Yarma Velázquez
PUSD School Board, District 7*
Los Angeles County Federation of Labor
Democrats of Pasadena Foothills
Arroyo Democratic Club
ACT Pasadena
Abundant Housing Los Angeles
Armenian National Committee of America - Pasadena Chapter
Southern California Armenian Democrats
Steve Olivas
District 2 resident and Planning Commissioner*
Lena Kennedy
Community Leader*
Mark Nay
District 2 resident and former city commission chair*
Koko Kederian
District 2 small business owner*
Sarah Letts
District 2 resident and affordable housing provider*
Carol Polanskey
District 2 resident and former neighborhood association president*
Elizabeth Pomeroy
District 2 resident and former president of the Pasadena Unified School Board*
Steve Acker
Former District 2 Councilmember*
Cynthia Luczyski
District 2 neighborhood leader*
Dave and Belinda Jacobs
District 2 residents – former Rose Bowl Director and retired city staff member*
James Lomako
District 2 resident and former city commission chair*
Gary Stellern
District 2 resident and retired Muir High School coach*
Stella Murga
District 2 resident and retired director of Adelante Youth Alliance*
Ed Honowitz
District 2 resident and former president of the Pasadena Unified School Board*
Ellen Pais
District 2 resident and education leader*
Maryetta Knox
District 2 resident and retired FBI agent*
*Titles for identification purposes only